Bio Statement
McKenzie Bell is a Florida-born interdisciplinary artist who has resided in Memphis since 2010. As a child, McKenzie’s main interests were music and art, which later manifested into the start of a degree in Vocal Music Education at the University of Tennessee at Martin. In pursuit of this degree, her interests shifted to visual art instead, to which she switched her focus to Studio Art and transferred to University of Memphis. While back in Memphis, McKenzie has now solidified her practice into mainly painting, sculpture, and photography. Her main pursuit of interest in her work is capturing the complex nature of relationships between human beings—specifically, experiences in friendships, family dynamics, and romantic relationships. She also uses her background in music to influence her work as well. Recently, McKenzie’s work was featured in the 2024 Bellwethers exhibition in Humboldt, TN. She has also participated in auctions for charity with her work, and jurying junior-level art shows. She is now finishing her BFA in Studio Art at the University of Memphis while working as a tattoo artist in Memphis. She plans to attend grad-school after finishing her bachelor’s degree.